Sunday, February 3, 2008


2007 was, for me, a good year. In retrospect, let me share with you the highlights of the Year of the Pig.

1. I got married.

The big question of whether or not I would get married was finally answered. He wasn't my childhood friend nor my classmate from elementary, HS, college or medicine. We just met "at the right time, at the right place". I'd like to think that he was sent from heaven. I guess He finally gave in to my request after the endless novenas to St. Joseph.
2. I finally visited Hongkong and Disneyland!
The trip was a wedding gift from my Papa. It was fun since it was the first out-of-the-country trip for me and my husband.
3. I got pregnant and had to loose the baby.
Four months after we got married, we found out that I was pregnant but later found out that it was a blighted ovum. There really was nothing we could do the evening I started bleeding. Good thing and I didn't have to undergo a D&C.
4. I found out that I had gallstones and mild fatty liver.
Goodbye to my favorite lechon, chicken skin and other fatty foods. I was really shocked when the sonologist said I had 2 small, mobile gallstones. Right now, I have to control my diet as there have been numerous wretching incidents due to overeating of fatty foods.
I pray that 2008 would be a good year. As early as January, I have made some changes in my life as I intend to put some order in my from stress and in effect, a more calm approach to life's challenges. With God's help, I am confident I can face the not-so-clear distant future.

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